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ブラッドミア vs チョガス圧倒的爆発力!これがブラッドミア!!最強のブラッドミア講座DFM Evi解説 21年4月22日ブラッドミア On top of that being able to lower your ult cooldown in fights can allow you to ult twice in a fight which is insaneブラッドミア tips and tricks Avoid using your W at all costs as it costs you tons of health Use it at the last possible second if you have to commit to using it You're weak in the early game There's no need to commit to trades or going for kills from the getgo You need time to come online ブラッドミア Vs ノクターン 後半最強チャンピオン ブラッドミアで全てを破壊しろ 最強のブラッドミア講座 Dfm Evi解説 Youtube Top ブラッドミア ビルド